Four months apart!

Four months apart!
Kru Vince, founder of TEAM VINCE Muay Thai Fitness & Rapid Conditioning System

How this all started...

Hi! I'm Vince Soberano, founder of the TEAM VINCE Muay Thai Cross-Training (MT-X) Fitness System. Thirteen years ago I was at the top of my fighting career. I held the the World Welterweight Championship title in Muay Thai and Kickboxing for two years. Then I retired from fighting and focused on a successful career in the corporate world. Since then, I had lost my will to workout. Within 5 years, I was completely out of shape, overweight, had high blood pressure, and couldn't walk two flights of stairs without running out of breath. Yeah, it was that bad!

I tried lifting weights at the gym to get back into shape. It didn't work. Pick up the weight and then put it down. Repeat 10 times. Good grief! I'd rather eat a double cheeseburger. I tried running and fell into a manhole because I was bored and not paying attention. I finally gave up. My gut just kept getting bigger. From my fighting weight of 140 lbs., I hit my all-time high at 195 lbs. (I'm only 5 feet 8 inches!)

In April of 2007, at the age of 43, I re-started my Muay Thai training. Focusing on the aerobic and anaerobic exercises, I started mixing them with sets of dynamic tension and bodyweight exercises. No, I didn't invent these exercises. They're part of traditional Muay Thai conditioning training - a 1,000-year-old system! All I did was organize the exercises so that an ordinary Joe like me can get results without having to train for a real fight. In August, after only four months of training, I weighed in at 138 pounds of lean, hard muscle - abs, chest, arms, back, neck and legs - with the stamina of a marathon runner! I am 45 now, going stronger, with fight contracts with King Of The Cage, and still defending my Muay Thai title. This is TEAM VINCE Muay Thai Cross-Training (MT-X) Fitness and Conditioning!

I've been sharing this system with my friends and students. Everyone is seeing amazing results in just 30 days of training. So I thought I'd start this blog to let everyone else know about it because if you're serious about your health and getting in shape, I personally GUARANTEE that TEAM VINCE Muay Thai Fitness is the right fit FOR YOU!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Shadowboxing - the Ultimate Warmup!

Believe it or not, "shadowboxing" is the safest and best warmup exercise you can do. It is painless, gentle on your bones and muscles, fun to do, and easy to control the pace and intensity. It works your entire body naturally and evenly. You don't even have to be a boxer or martial arts expert to do this. Just follow the simple guidelines below and you've got yourself a great startup exercise for your training regimen.

I'm sure you've seen boxers and kickboxers in action, throwing punches and kicks, bobbing and weaving around, skipping and shuffling their feet. To the very least, you've watched "Rocky" at one point or another. Right?

Well, using your memory and imagination, try to emulate their movements in comfort of your own environment and privacy. This makes for a great warmup exercise! Here's how:
  1. Pick an empty corner of the room where you are clear of furniture and any edifice within at least an arm's length. Face a mirror or your shadow.
  2. Turn on some fast workout music, like rock, hip-hop, dance or techno.
  3. Hold up your arms like a boxer, take a deep breath and lightly throw punches in the air in steady succession for 10 seconds at a time.
  4. DO NOT hyper-extend your arms.
  5. Rotate your hips at every punch.
  6. After every 10-second flurry of punches, take another deep breath, count to 10, then repeat.
  7. In-between the 10-second punch flurries, you can also throw knee strikes. Raise your knee to waist level and thrust it forward at an imaginary opponent's stomach or groin area. Alternate knees and then switch back to throwing punches.
  8. In addition to knee strikes, you can also simulate kicks by raising one foot and thrusting it forward (don't hyperextend) in a gentle motion at waist or knee level. Do not kick above waist level unless you are an experienced kickboxer.
  9. From time to time, weave your body from side to side to emulate evading your imaginary opponent's punches.
  10. Shuffle your feet from side to side, changing angles and positions often.
  11. Do this drill for about 10 minutes. If you're having fun, add another 5 minutes. You'll be sweating nicely by the time you're done.
Questions? Drop me a note and I'd love to help.


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